Saturday, January 31, 2015

Let Kindness Change Your World

Do you give much consideration to the affect that little acts of kindness can have on others?  Do you think your daily actions really make much of a difference in the world?  Consider that "the world" begins with your world - the world that you live in, consisting of your family and friends, your workplace, your community.  This is the world that we can truly change on a daily basis. 

How we treat others, and the example we set in front of others, is the easiest way to make an impact in our world.  Vincent Van Gogh said that "great things are done by a series of small things brought together."  What is "the world," except our little individual worlds brought together?  Let's make the most of our world by doing the "small things" that Van Gogh speaks of.  I can say "please" and "thank you," even when I'm in a lousy mood.  You can hold the door for someone, even when you are in a hurry.  We can be kind, even when kindness isn't our first instinct.

Kindness is a choice and it is also contagious.  If you don't believe me, find out for yourself.  Make an effort to spread kindness everyday, and I promise that you will feel better about yourself, and you will notice a change in the attitudes of the people close to you.

I'll leave you with a quote from William James, who said "act like what you do makes a difference, it does."  Use kindness to start making a difference in your world - and beyond. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Be Kick-Ass Today, Read to Your Children Tonight

Do you read aloud to your children on a regular basis?  As a busy, working parent of two, including a preschooler, I have firsthand knowledge of how easy it is to want to do anything but read to your kids at the end of a long day.  There are so many other options that kids seem to genuinely enjoy as much or more than being read to, which also allow parents some time to relax.  TV, video games, handheld electronics, CDs, DVDs, etc...  Seriously, why bother with reading?  Is it really that big of a deal?

Obviously, reading to children is very important, but why?  Some of the more obvious benefits include:

  • Development of language including proper pronunciation, speech patterns and intonation
  • Increased visual and auditory sensation 
  • Better memorization skills
  • Understanding how a book is read (i.e., word and page sequencing)
  • Letter and word recognition, including how to sound out words
  • Increased future desire and capacity for learning

These alone are wonderful reasons for reading to kids, but it gets better.  What about the parent/child bond that is strengthened?  The laughter that is heard?  The snuggling with your child - who will grow up very quickly.  What about the love that is shown and shared by you and your son or daughter? 

Parents, I challenge you to read to your children on a regular basis.  It only takes a few minutes, and is rewarding and relaxing.  You will sleep better.

Be Kick-Ass Today.  Read to your kids tonight. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

An Introduction to Be Kick-Ass Today

Hello and welcome to the first blog from Be Kick-Ass Today.  BKAT was started with a goal of spreading kindness, compassion and generosity through daily interactions with others in our communities.  These interactions can be simple random acts of kindness or organized events; all actions are capable of causing a ripple effect which can truly create change.  The key is finding (or inspiring) people to step up and do the little things required to start these ripples.  It can be very easy, yet incredibly rewarding to all involved.  Compassion is cool, and kindness is contagious. 

In future blogs, we will be sharing quotes, stories and ideas that hopefully inspire all of us to be better - to Be Kick-Ass Today - and everyday.  We encourage readers to help spread our message.  We also want you to share your own ideas, which might help us all. Please follow us on our Facebook page, also.

"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."
- Desmond Tutu

Be Kick-Ass Today...